The Road Gang
Washington’s Transportation Fraternity
The Road Gang is an informal group of business and government executives, highway engineers and consultants, press and public relations specialists, company representatives, and trade association officials from the highway transportation industry in the Washington, D.C. area. The Road Gang serves the dual purpose of promoting fellowship and providing for the interchange of ideas among “Washington’s Transportation Fraternity.”
The organization has a current membership of about 200 individuals. Back in 1942 when the “Road Gang” was organized, the membership numbered just 25. Soon after, more and more local highway transportation executives were attracted to the Thursday luncheon meetings. The Road Gang has increased steadily in size and variety of membership. It continues to preserve its informal “off the record” atmosphere. The programs, over the years, have touched upon practically every facet of highway transportation activity.
What really sparks the Road Gang is its mixture of camaraderie and formal tradition. One of the important traditions of the Road Gang continues to be the lively bi-monthly luncheon addresses on current highway and transportation issues, particularly when legislative matters are pending. The Road Gang’s organization has been deliberately left on the informal side, governed by an Advisory Committee of current officers and former chairmen. They and the many active members keep the Road Gang ticking, year after year.
Road Gang luncheons start at 12:15pm and are held at the below address, unless otherwise noted on luncheon notices:
Clyde’s of Gallery Place, 707 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001
The Piedmont Room (2nd floor, in the back)

Contact Us
Shoot us an email at [email protected] anytime – we’re happy to help!